»Letting the mountains hear the voice of the ocean/海の声を山に聞かせる«

2017, 2channel high definition video, 6:12min.

In the work "Letting the Mountains Hear the Voice of the Ocean"—a video installation projected on two screens—Yamashita and Kobayashi trek through a mountain while releasing the recorded sounds of the sea from a speaker. This activity, in turn, allows for the trees, birds, and alpine to listen to the flow of ocean’s waves. As nature’s two oppositions face each other, a sense of disorder is suddenly felt and this perception, in a way, reminds us of "dépaysement": the French word to describe displacement or disorientation often used in surrealism.
二画面に映像を投影する《海の声を山に聞かせる》では、とある山を登りながら、作家二人が海で録音した波の音をスピーカーで流し、木々や鳥、連なる山々に聞かせた。海と山という自然風景 としては対極のもの同士を向き合わせることで生まれる違和感は、シュルレアリスムにおける手法の一種であるデペイズマンを思わせる。