»考える葦/考えない葦 (Thinking Reed/Unthinking Reed)«

4K video, 3 min 46sec.

Inspired by the famous sentence from the philosopher Pascal's Pensées, a collection of his fragmentary thoughts published after his death: “Man is only a reed, (…) but he is a thinking reed.” This indicates that a human is as weak as a reed in the midst of great nature, and yet their dignity lies in their thinking. But on the other hand, Pascal also wrote how foolish those thoughts are, and does not only write about thinking in a positive way. It is true that there are many things in history and in everyday life where the result of our thinking seemed to be not necessarily good. This is a work in which the viewers look at 2 swaying reeds and think about thinking and unthinking.(Chikako Shakudo | Curator of Kurobe City Art Museum)
哲学者パスカルの断想の遺稿集である『パンセ』の有名な一文「人間は考える葦である。」からインスピレーションを得た作品です。大きな自然の中では葦のように心もとない人間ですが、されど人間の尊厳は考えるところにあると言います。しかし一方で、その考えとはなんと愚かなものかとも書かれており、ただ肯定的に捉えられていた訳ではありません。 確かに、歴史的にも日常的にも考えた末の結果が、良かったと思えないことは山ほどあります。